


Mon - Fri: 8:30AM - 4:30PM

Additives & Botanicals in Melt and Pour Soap

Thank you for joining us again this Saturday for some melt and pour magic! It’s time to explore the wonderful world of additives and botanicals. If you haven’t had a chance to see the prior articles in our Melt and Pour 101 Series,点击这里检查它们。主题包括choosing a base,colorants香水和精油亚博升级版用于融化和浸湿。我们的目标是通过初学者培训的步骤来帮助您,因此如果您对某个主题有疑问,请确保您在下面的评论中向我们联系!

By adding some extra elements such as rose petals or ground oatmeal, you can take your soap to new levels – but it will probably take some practice. After all, practice makes perfect, right? Here are some helpful tips on using additives in melt and pour soap.


The two most common botanical additives in melt and pour soap are lavender buds and rose petals. One thing to remember when working with flower petals:we are dealing with有机的matter that will, at some point in the future, begin to decompose, even with the use of a preservative

考虑到这一点,温度和时间是创造成功植物批量的最重要因素中的两个。玫瑰花蕾是有机物,它们可以潜在地染色肥皂绿色或棕色。(这就是为什么当我与植物学合作时,我花了额外的时间来挑选最漂亮,最彩色的花瓣,留下在芽的底部的绿色植物。繁琐,但值得更好的最终结果。)检查我的Winter Rose Soap recipeto learn more.

Lavender buds… oh, sweet little purple lavender buds. I love lavender, but not in melt and pour soap. In the soaping community, many say that lavender buds in melt and pour look like mouse poop – and they aren’t wrong! The buds discolor to brown and are quite unsightly. If you want to make a lavender bar, I suggest only adding them as decoration to the soap肥皂已经冷却了。使用一点摩擦酒精来帮助将芽绑在肥皂的表面。

Of all botanicals,calendula petals seem to work bestin melt and pour soap. They hold up well and only leech their beautiful orange/gold color. (Fun fact, did you know that calendula is just the fancy name for Marigold?)



试验硬性乳房等时要小心可可黄油– while they may be lovely on the skin, they are likely to diminish your soap’s lathering ability if used in too high quantities. For hard butters such as this, I recommend a usage rate of 1 tsp. per 1 lb. of melt and pour soap base.

液体油如甜杏仁油要么grapeseed oilalso offer lovely skin benefits, but these should be used in limited quantity. Think about it – if the oil is completely liquid at room temperature, it certainly isn’t going to solidify just because it is dispersed among soap. That is why many people prefer to use butters opposed to liquid oils when doctoring up their melt and pour soap base – they maintain a solid consistency until melted and regain the consistency after cooling.

I’m a big fan of playing it safe with my recipes and as a rule of thumb, I always keep my oil and butter additives to 1 T. per 1 lb. of soap base.

Miscellaneous Additives

谁说有趣has to stop at butters and botanicals? There are many items you may already have around the house that would be suitable to be used in melt and pour soap. Do you have any oats or poppy seeds in your pantry? Perhaps coffee grounds? These make wonderful, exfoliating additions to your soap. Use ground oatmeal and I’ve learned from another experienced soaper that coffee grounds that have already been brewed aren’t as scratchy and harsh on the skin. Save your next K-Cup!


这一切都取决于你的愿景。你想要罂粟种子suspended throughout your soap? I’d recommend getting asuspending soap base和work at a low temperature such as 120 F or below. Ground oatmeal is probably your safest bet when using additives in your soap for the first time. Chances are you’ve already got some in your pantry! One less expense right there. All you need is some soap base and/or fragrance/essential oil of your choice and you’re set! As always, stick to the 1 T per 1 lb. soap base when concerning additives. Always abide by fragrance and essential oil IFRA rates.

Let us know how your first batch of soap with additives and botanicals turns out – drop us a comment in the field below or head on over to ourFacebook pageto show us a picture!

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  1. I don’t know where else to contact you my. Question is does the plastic bottles come with a top if not where do I order them at

    1. Lids and caps are sold separately. You can scroll down to the product description on the plastic bottle’s or plastic jar’s page for the neck size of the cap/lid that will fit it, then点击这里to find a cap or lid with the matching neck size.


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