


周一至周五:上午8:30 - 下午4:30


With craft show season rapidly approaching, I wanted to share how to take a closer look at your production costs so you can effectively price your product and see some return on investment.

While there are many other associated costs, for the sake of this blog post we are just going to take a look at the very basics: cost of ingredients, cost of packaging and cost of your time. These simple calculations will help you determine which ingredients to use and will give you a visual and accurate financial plan. Since we’re just turning our hobby into a business, we don’t necessarily need to worry about wholesaling and overhead costs like storefront electricity, employee wages, etc… yet. I am going to usecold process soap对于这项运动。

The Breakdown

For demonstrative purposes, let’s say I am going to my first event and I need to know how much profit I can make. The recipe I will be using for this example is one of my more gentle formulations. Even though it’s got a higherCoconut oil百分比,它产生稳定,奶油泡沫,非常适合敏感皮肤。(我很高兴在下周的博客教程中通过这个制作的食谱!)

I normally only make small batches, so to product 10 approximately 4.8-5 oz. bars of soap, the recipe calls for the following:

I want to scale my recipe up to make a 100-bar batch for the show. Since my original recipe yields 10 bars of soap, I am going to multiply the ingredients by 10 so I can determine how much material I need to purchase.

Just take a look at the savings when buying in larger quantities. Here at Bulk we make it easy to determine your price per pound of product. On each product page, the selection menu will indicate the total price as well as how much you pay per pound. To the left you will see pricing for our椰子76油。为此努力,我正在购买35磅。因为我将在我的食谱中使用很多。扩大您业务的优势之一是在散装中购买的能力,从而节省了巨大的金额。在今天的经济中,它只是有道理。

Review your personal budget and decide if you will save money in the future by purchasing in bulk.

Scaling Up

The chart below shows each ingredient broken down in weight and cost per pound and batch. One of my favorite resources for creating spreadsheets and documents is Google Drive due to its ease of sharing and intuitive, user-friendly nature.




I want to have a variety to offer my customers so I need to factor in the cost of the fragrances I’d like to offer. This works pretty much like my base oils, and I like to figure this pricing by utilizing the price per pound displayed on the亚博亚洲顶级线上游戏娱乐平台散装食子素website。I multiply the weight of the fragrance oil in pounds by cost per pound so I am able to determine that I need 1.22 lbs. ofLavender fragrance oil,费用为11.81美元/磅/磅。在这个例子中,你可以看到我也做了一些定价Grapefruit RhubarbCedarwood Patchouli fragrance也是。网站上显示的每磅价格有助于我计算特定的香水是否具有成本效益。

It might seem like I am at my final cost per bar but we’ve got one more factor to consider –包装。Presentation is important, but I don’t want to lose any potential profit by using expensive包装just because it’s pretty, especially for my first event. So, I decided on simpleshrink wrap sleevesfor $0.11 each and精心设计的专业寻找标签每次0.13美元。

So, back to the Lavender example – I set my spreadsheet up to add my total packaging cost of $0.24 ($0.11 + $0.13 = $0.24) to my individual bar cost giving me a final Lavender bar cost of $1.36.

A common price I’ve seen at local craft shows is between $5 and $8, but that may vary depending on your location. It is important to also take into consideration the varying markets and sales trends of your area.

我决定把薰衣草pu酒吧在6美元rposes of this exercise. If I charge $6 and it costs $1.50 to make the bar, packaging included, I could potentially make a profit of over $450.

一旦我为所有香水做到这一点,我就可以开始预测我在工艺事件中的潜在利润。我通过为所有4个品种添加我的潜在利润,然后减去参加活动的成本 - 展位费,活动,展示材料等。我计算出约305美元。现在我能够考虑这些成本,让我们来看看我的潜在事件利润:

我现在可以看到我的潜在事件利润超过$ 1,500.00 - 哇!

In Conclusion

让我们面对 - 这绝对不是开创自己的事业的有趣部分,但是什么is有趣的是看到您的财务未来持有的潜力。建立了电子表格后,您可以开始将此模型调制到您可能销售的任何产品,甚至可以跟踪您自己的个人预算。通常作为工匠,我们陷入了困扰,我们忘记了数字,这也非常重要。

Do you see why buying in bulk can help save you money? What has helped you scale up your production or track your sales? Please let us know in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!

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  1. Great information on calculating costs. I can’t wait to read through our recipe steps in the next blog post.

    Thank you! Nina

  2. 一切都是山羊肥皂......我需要打破这个并重新计算熔体和浇筑净香料。我喜欢这个页面的信息如何感谢!


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